Review Carrand 90056 Smart Nozzle Sudser Soap Dispensing Nozzle

Carrand 90056 Smart Nozzle Sudser Soap Dispensing Nozzle Features

  • Dispense soap and water to surface
  • Holds 2 fluid ounces of soap
  • Great for any surface
  • Preferred by car collectors and professional detailers
  • The best tool for the job

Carrand 90056 Smart Nozzle Sudser Soap Dispensing Nozzle Overview

Product Description

Carrand is changing the way cleaning products are used by understanding the need for innovation, design, functionality and quality of the customers. Made to be used with all Carrand Smart Nozzle Brushes, the Sudser Soap Dispensing Nozzle utilized an in-line design to dispense cleaning liquids and water for a strong surface cleaning spray. The Soap Dispensing Nozzle holds up to 2 fluid ounces of cleaning solutions, detergents or soaps providing a perfect ratio of solution to water with built in controls.

Carrand 90056 Smart Nozzle Sudser Soap Dispensing Nozzle

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